December, 2022


4h 55m

Tried my hand at the machine arena and just couldn't get pass it with the machines that I'd had. So dedicated a couple hours to finding and hijacking them to which my frustrations with the disabled lock-on continues. Thankfully I worked around it by looking for another machine that was easy to take remote control of; then proceeding to backstep my way across the map and hopping from body to body until I accumulated enough unit data.

Helped Emil recovery his memories and gained access to underground area beneath the mall. I imagine this quest carries much more weight for those who've played Replicant so depending on how I feel after this I might give it go.

Between the machine arena and finding lunar tears I had to pass through the forest several times and on each I heard the same repeated dialogue. Over and over and over again. Shouldn't the kingdom be in shambles and their troops left disarrayed following the King's death or did they not receive the memo?

Not that I mind entirely since the Blacksmith at the castle lets upgrade weapons to MAX level; my surplus wealth had to go somewhere.

Read through the trophy list as I typically and do and after having alluded me for awhile I looked up the "Not that I mind..." trophy. During 9S's tan I accidently triggered a cutscene that put his pants back on and was unsure if the time require pantless was accumulative or not (checked: Yes, it is).